2023 Sunday Service Preaching Arrangements
Theme: Responding to His call, witnessing His life
Since Christians have been granted salvation by the will and grace of God, we have to strive to live out the call given by God on earth, just like the Christ living on earth, to live differently in life. The basis of the call is the word of God, and only by an effort of going back to the word of God and interpreting it rightly, can it bring benefits to spiritual life. At the same time, we will study and examine different bible characters, and reflect on how they successfully (or unsuccessfully) responded to God’s calling from their lives, as a reminder!
Monthly prayer meet starts at 1300.
每月祈禱會在下午 1 時開始
Combined Sunday service starts at1400.
聯合崇拜主日在下午 2 時開始
Single-language services start at 1300 (English) and 1445 (Chinese) respectively.
單語崇拜分別在下午 1 時 (英語)和下午 2 時 45 分(中文)開始
Combined service – Children stay for hymnal worship and themed highlight (children talk alternating with testimonies). 聯合崇拜 — 孩童留下參與詩歌和主題精選(兒童小講和分享見證互相交替)
All age service – Children stay throughout whole service.
所有年齡崇拜— 孩童留下來參與整個崇拜
Mothering Sunday and Father’s day – Presentation by Sunday school children at the end of Chinese service.
母親節主日和父親節— 主日學學生在中文崇拜完結時會作出贈送
AGM and quarterly church meetings start at1630.
週年會友大會和教會會友季會在下午 4 時 30 分開